Treat yourself or loved one to a massage on the beach. Swedish and deep tissue massage, manicures, pedicures and facials are all available by request.
Get your hair beaded and braided right at home, or learn to weave a basket through the South Andros Handicraft Manufacturing Association (SAHMA).
Local transportation options include calling a friendly local taxi driver like Ms. Lloyd, Shirley or Rowena, renting a car, scooter or bicycle, or just walking the beach or the island’s main road. People often offer a friendly smile and wave as you pass and hitchhiking is commonplace in this friendly community.
Local activities can be arranged from the comfort of your room. Plan an island sightseeing tour and visit local shops for souvenirs, take a guided hiking tour, or try snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing, kayaking, sailing or one of the other activities that South Andros Island has to offer.
Enjoy a private tour of a local gallery of wood carvings by artist Jerome Davis or special order your own custom carving to bring home.
Contact us for more information about these services and more